Monday, August 22, 2005

A new chapter

The deed is done. Mayhem #1 has been delivered to college. We left early Saturday morning after Mr. Mayhem had loaded all her worldly possessions in the two cars. (Ok. It’s not really all her worldly possessions. That bedroom is still crammed full of stuff.) She seemed pretty excited.

We got to the school and checked in and found out that she was in the basement of her dorm. She was so excited! That put her in very close proximity to the piano! When we got to the room the roommate and her family was already there. There were awkward introductions all around, but everything was good. We were surprised the girls had a handicapped room. That meant their bathroom was bigger with a shower the length of one wall and no counter to put stuff on and only one towel rod. I’m going to mail her the over-the-door rack that’s in her room.
Mr. Mayhem pulled the first car up to the back of the dorm and all these eager college students started unloading. When he told them which room they were excited. Instead of having to climb flights of stairs, they only had to go down about half a dozen steps to get to the basement. Mr. Mayhem got the second car and repeated the process. The big bag I had put Mayhem #1’s shoes in broke open and dumped all her shoes down the steps. I felt sorry for the guy that had been carrying them, but he was a trooper and went back and rounded them all up for us.

Though still excited, Mayhem #1 was overwhelmed. All her stuff in that little room just seemed like way too much. She and Mr. Mayhem took her computer to have it checked out with the IT people and Mayhem #2 and I started unpacking. She wasn’t extremely helpful until she crawled under the bed to pull out some boxes that had been stashed there. Then she stayed there so she was at least out of the way. Mr. Mayhem and Mayhem #1 came back and hooked up the computer. We cleared the bed so we could make it up. Her roommate was running around buying books and such while her older sister helped with the unpacking.

Mayhem #1 is getting stressed and a little less excited. We go to lunch at the cafeteria and look at some of the many papers she has been given. We check out the schedule and see that they are kicking the family out in about three hours. After lunch, we head to the business office to take care of finishing the registration process. She picked up her id and got it loaded with her meal plan. Mayhem #1 was getting quieter by the minute. She didn’t seem to like that I was pushing her to the front to ask the questions and handle her business.

I went to the Parent Seminar while Mr. Mayhem went to finish helping with the computer stuff. It was basically the same question and answer time they had had at the weekend we had visited in the fall. I was all together until the guy prayed at the end about the changes in everyone’s lives. I thought to myself, "Don’t do this. God and I are handling things ok so far. Don’t get me started."

I went back to the dorm to find everyone so we could go to the reception at the president’s home. On the walk over there, Mayhem #2 said, "I guess I missed my chance to tape her to the door?" "Yeah," I said. We took some group pictures in front of the president’s house and a picture of Mayhem #1 and her roommate. We joked around with them and said that since the president’s house was so close to the dorm, they should drop by every once in a while and see what’s for dinner. The roommate got in the spirit of silliness and said, "My roommate and I had a fight, and she’s locked me out. Can I spend the night here?"

One the walk back to the dorm, Mayhem #1’s lip was trembling and the tears were on the edge. Actually, we were all trying not to cry. There were hugs and joking and tears. The hall director and resident assistants were there in the lobby. The RA’s saw Mayhem #1 crying and they were trying not to cry. The hall director gave her a hug and we left. We got around the corner of the building and Mr. Mayhem called her and said, "I miss you already."

Mayhem #2 kept saying it wasn’t fair that Mayhem #1 was gone. She cried half the way home until she fell asleep. We got home and she went to Mayhem #1’s room and said it looked empty. When she got ready for bed, she went back to stand in her sister’s room. I kept being silly and finally got her in bed. Mr. Mayhem and I decided that she wasn’t ready to face people at church who would talk about Mayhem #1 being gone so we stayed home. When we got up, we found her on her sister’s bed reading. We kept telling her that Mayhem #1 didn’t die. She’ll be back…in three weeks even.

Mayhem #1 called a couple of times Saturday night. Once just to talk about what she had been up to. The other time it was about 10:30 and we are all in bed. I answer the phone and she says, "Mom, where’s my toothbrush?" I hope she’s found it or bought one by now.

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