Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Half time was good

Friday night Mayhem #2 got to play her mallets in her first football game. I got some great pictures of her and her friends "dancing" in the stands. The pit doesn't have to play in the stands because they haven't figured out how to get the marimbas and xylophones up the steps. (Don't give them any ideas.)

The pit has to haul their instruments onto the sidelines. I look down from the stands and Mayhem #2 is pushing her marimba for all she's worth and I notice she also has a flute. Now last time I checked, she couldn't play flute especially while playing marimba. The flute belonged to one of the drum majors who had a solo in the opening.

She played her little heart out. I ran around taking pictures. Funny, but Mr. Mayhem didn't watch the marching kids, just the pit. When they started coming off the field, I went to set up the drinks for the band. All of a sudden, one of Mayhem #2 fellow pit players shows up telling us she needs water for Mayhem #2. I'm on my way.

I find her in someone's folding chair at the end of the field with a ton of people around her. About the time I get there, the first fireman gets there. She's as red as can be and having trouble breathing. One of the football trainers brings her a cold towel with ammonia on it. (She told me it's the good ammonia not the bad ammonia.) All of a sudden we have about 8 firemen around her with big duffelbags with all this equipment. One of they're radios goes off and announces a grass fire so half of them leave. I asked a friend to go get Mr. Mayhem out of the stands.

They check her blood pressure, pulse rate, and oxygen level. They keep asking me if she has asthma and I tell them no. Apparently she has overheated and hyper ventilated. They blow oxygen in her face and tell her to drink lots of water and not get excited. We walk her back to the stands, but she's still struggling. She said her feet felt numb, so we took her home. By the time we get home she's freezing. Someone later told me that was shock. We got some Gatorade in her and put her to bed. She was ok the next day, but very sore. I had asked her earlier if she had fallen and she said no. I asked one of her buddies and he said she had fallen and blacked out. She doesn't remember that. Needless to say, we're pushing the Gatorade and water until it cools down around here. This is homecoming week so there are alot more outside activities. I'll have to keep an eye on her.

Mr. Mayhem said she just wanted to flirt with all the cute firemen.


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