Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Alone again

It's day two. The house is quiet. I'm all alone. It's kind of nice.

Mayhem #2 started school last week, and we took Mayhem #1 back to college this past Saturday. Mayhem #1 has a new roommate this year and she seems nice. I hope the get along well. One of Mayhem #1's friends from last year helped move her stuff in and stuck around most, if not all, of the day. Another friend stopped by to say hi. Getting back to her friends made her feel really good. Her classes start tomorrow I think.

Mayhem #2 had a pretty good first week. We do have an issue with a book she was suppose to read over the summer. The first problem was we never got a letter that told her she was suppose to read certain books over the summer. We found out at registration. I didn't have a problem with her reading "Great Expectations". We finally found out what the other book was and I was not happy. It was "Like Water for Chocolate". Though I've never seen it I knew the movie was pretty risque. Later I find out it was rated R. I got on-line and read the Sparknotes. I was getting less and less happy by the paragraph. I checked the book out of the library and read it. They say the book is all about food, and that is true. However, they fail to mention that the food has is very sensual element in the story. My fifteen year old doesn't need to read about descriptions of body parts or sexual encounters. And it definitely doesn't need to be discussed with fifteen year old boys. Mr. Mayhem and I wrote a letter to the teacher and asked for an alternate assignment. We haven't heard anything from the teacher yet. Mayhem #2 said they were going to start discussing the book tomorrow. Tonight is Meet the Teacher night so hopefully we can talk to the teacher then. Other than this little episode she's liking everything so far. She has the exact schedule she needed and we were shocked when she got it.

I better go get ready for the day. I have a tooth that's hurting so I guess I'll call the dentist. I hate going to the dentist. I go to the podiatrist Friday and I have a ton of questions to ask about the stupid foot. The main one is, "Is it still suppose to hurt so much?"

Maybe I'll write again tomorrow. Now that it's quiet.

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