Saturday, May 27, 2006

Growing up

Mayhem #2 looked lovely last night for her band banquet. After searching for the Oriental-style dress she wanted last weekend, and finding out the shop where we saw them was closed, we were in serious trouble. Her piano teacher offered her daughters' formals to Mayhem #2 to try. Several of the dresses were way too small, but she finally fell in love with a lavender satin dress. I happened to have silver shoes and purse that would work. One of the other dresses she liked had a sheer silver wrap with silver confetti stars between the fabric. That was nice and blingy for her.

We got home around three after my pre-op lab work. In two and a half hours, I made her into a princess, complete with painted nails and make up. She's never worn make up except for stage make up. We didn't do alot of make up, but I wanted her to feel special. A little purple eye shadow, pinky blush that you couldn't really see, Mayhem #1's shimmery powder, and a little purple lipstick. She's very light complected (sp?). We used clear mascara, which I had never heard of, and we found some brow powder and wax that was blonde so I could color her eyebrows without just drawing them on with a brown liner.

Since she is so into the Lord of the Rings elf thing, she wanted little braids on the sides of her head that went together in the back and was braided down her back. The rest of her hair we left down. I tried to put a little curl in it, but when it's waist length and extra fine, curl doesn't hold very well. Along the braid we put sparkly hair do-dads. Mayhem #1 loaned her her prom jewelry that was the right shade of purple and very blingy.

Her escort was dad. He was looking quite dapper in his suit. When I was putting some perfume on Mayhem #2, he got out his cologne. He told her, "I only break out the good stuff for special people."

After the banquet, Mr. Mayhem took her to church for the end of school youth lock-in. Everyone oohed and aahed over her, and she ate it up. She took close to change into because I had warned her repeatedly, "No light saber fighting in that dress!"

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