Monday, October 31, 2005


Well, we had our last away football game Friday night. It was way away and I had never been there before. I got directions off the athletic portion of the school district's web site. It didn't sound too tough, but I thought I'd stay with the buses just to be sure. The first mistake is to assume that the bus drivers know where their going. The second mistake is to trust the directions.

First the bus drivers don't follow the directions I have. That means if I lose them, I'm in deep trouble. I think I ran a couple of red lights and broke the sound barrier on the freeway to keep up. I exit the freeway with the buses and follow as best I can and then I get stuck at a light. There is a lady in her own vehicle too who has been following the buses and she's in front of me and just as lost. We stop and confer and decide to turn around, then I saw the lights. They always tell you when you're looking for a football stadium, "Look for the lights." I drove over to the lights, which are at the high school we're playing, but the lights belong to the soccer or baseball field. We stop at a Mexican restaurant and ask directions from so folks who are sitting on the patio. The directions they give us is very similar to the ones I got off the website. We get to the light to turn left to go back to the freeway, and passing in front of us are our buses.

We jump in behind them and get on the freeway, after 30 minutes of waiting to get through the two lights at the freeway. Did I mention, it's rush hour. Once on the freeway, we're looking for our exit, but the buses don't take it. They stayed on the freeway. We took the exit. I'm now the leader with the other lady behind me. We follow the directions and never find the street we're suppose to turn right on. I keep looking for the lights too. We finally stop again at a Hobby Lobby parking lot when we get to another freeway, plus we've gone way past the 3 or 4 miles we're suppose to go. We ask a man who just pulled into the parking lot it he knew where the stadium was and he said no, but he had a Mapsco. Yeah!!

Of course we don't have the address of the stadium, but he finds where we're suppose to be because we do know what street it's on. Come to find out, the street we were on and the street we were suppose to turn right on run PARALLEL! He tells us what street to turn on to get to the right street and off we go. Finally, we see the lights. I turn in a driveway that I thought went into the stadium, but it goes into an electronics plant of some kind, complete with security guards. We finally get turned around and back on the street. (It's shift change and ain't no one letting us in line to get out.)

We got to the stands just as they started playing the alma mater. Perfect. Didn't miss a thing.

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