Monday, September 19, 2005


What a misnomer. When am I ever at the house? I'm so frustrated. I want/need to do stuff at home, but I'm never there long enough to get it done. I'm having a scrapbooking event at my house next week. I need to clean at least the part of the house we'll be using. I started rearranging and cleaning (big time) Mayhem #2's room, but I'm not anywhere near done. I have to do laundry so Mr. Mayhem has clothes for work. (Remember the tea incident?) I haven't even been home long enough to cook dinner much, which means fast food, which is bad for the diet and the wallet.

Today, I have to go to the high school around nine to take Mayhem #2's biology project to her for class. It's an edible animal cell made out of a big chocolate chip cookie, frosting, and gobs of different candy. Did I mention that I had to take Mayhem #2 and partner to the grocery store Sat. to get all the stuff? I'll have to go back up to the school this afternoon to take her her character shoes and stretch pants for rehearsal. Today Mr. Mayhem will be able to bring her home, but not the rest of the week. (He did get his "Dragon Tail" going this morning and got her to school.) The post office is on the agenda. I think my mom wants me to take her to her doctor to sign a form. (I'm not sure that's going to happen today.)

Tomorrow, I have to take a friend to the doctor. I'd tell her no, but there's no one else to help her. That'll take at least a couple of hours. Wednesday evening is church, but I have to leave early because I have to pick up something for Mayhem #2 to eat in the car on the way after I pick her up from rehearsal. Thursday I usually take my mom to the grocery store. That takes at least a couple of hours. And this doesn't include all the trips hither, thither, and yon to get whatever miscellaneous stuff (like my groceries) that come along as the week goes by. Then on Friday, there's another away football game. Last week the game was an hour and a half away. This week, I'm not sure where Venus is.

Did I mention I think my car needs gas?

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