Monday, April 03, 2006

Sick and tired

I'm officially depressed. I went to the doctor this morning so he could help me get rid of the pain in my head from my sinuses. I thought he'd give me an anti-biotic. He gave me a nasal allergy spray and sent me next door to have my sinuses x-rayed. With all the x-rays I've had lately I think I glow in the dark. Now I wait for him to tell me if the x-ray showed I had an infection and he can give me an anti-biotic. And then he wants me to make an appointment with an allergist. The health insurance people just love me. Next they'll be telling Mr. Mayhem that I'm not worth the trouble.

I keep gaining weight and sizes mostly because I'm not as active as I was before the fall. I stay on my diet, but I've gotten to where I hate it and it doesn't seem to work anymore anyway. I'm blind as a bat.

I went to dance class to chaperone Mr. Mayhem and all those other women. I had a pretty good time laughing at everyone's expense, but I didn't get to dance. I am paying attention though so hopefully I will be able to pick it up easily once the boot comes off.

Speaking of the boot. I now have bruises on my shin from the straps that hold the boot on because I have to walk in it with out the crutches. It doesn't hurt too bad if I take small steps. It just takes me forever to get anywhere.

And Rippy died. Our best three-footed turtle. And the other two are nowhere to be seen.

Everyone is welcome to my pity party.

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